Yokai Kingdom Genesis

Yokai Kingdom is a web3 game universe, built on the Ethereum blockchain and inspired by rich, ancient Japanese mythology.

8,888 Genesis hero NFT trading cards is based on Oni (鬼), a fearsome yōkai spirit. Each is the key to unlock the Yokai Kingdom metaverse, including the tactical card game ONI’s QUEST

ABOUT THE GAME (Coming Q4 2022):
- Game teaser: https://vimeo.com/722255498
- A new generation of roguelike deckbuilder game, with true ownership of in-game assets for players
- A unique hybrid of roguelike permadeath and persistent TCG elements
- Free to Play
- 4 different classes of heroes to play - each with its own in-game experience and strategy
- Craft your perfect hero by combining equipment and companion NFTs

Discover the story so far: https://vimeo.com/717909746


  • Items


  • Owners


  • Vol.

    1.16 Ξ

  • Floor

    N/A Ξ
