
8888 Chimerapillars with 888 traits have been summoned to save humanity from the Toddlerpillar apocalypse. Madness and mayhem have plagued the world since the 6 armed bebehs tore a hole in our reality! Can the Chimerapillars rescue their infantile cousins from the corruption of the lonely pillar?
Mint multiple Chimerapillars for our upcoming merge and burn utility. Holders will be able to select their favourite traits from 2 NFTs and merge them into 1 while reducing the supply with a burn mechanism.

Members who hold both a Toddler and a Chimera will be rewarded with a 100+ page multimedia graphic novel exploring our lore in late 2022.

  • Items


  • Owners


  • Vol.

    0.07 Ξ

  • Floor

    N/A Ξ
