NonceBox Hall of Fame

NonceBox Crypto Hall of Fame is pixel and Loot-like NFT collections created by NonceBox. We are going to build a crypto metaverse about wealth, power and fame with our HoF cards. Each NFT will be a seed account or NPC in Metaverse Game.

- This project was inspired by Crypto Punks and Project Loot. We also learned a lot from Dungeons & Dragons (DnD/TRPG).
- Famous people in crypto history are the main part of our cards. We hope this project provides a thought-provoking snapshot of the most notable people in crypto at the dawn of the age of mass adoption.
- There are a total of 8,000 HoF cards made by 40 different faces, 4 basic attributes and 1 total score. NonceBox will charge 3% of the secondary royalties to fund community projects.

  • Items


  • Owners


  • Vol.

    0 Ξ

  • Floor

    N/A Ξ
