Uneternal Punks In Motion

Introducing the "Uneternal Punks In Motion" NFT Collection!

šŸŒŸ Imagine a collection of unique digital characters, known as "Uneternal Punks," each brought to life through GIF animations. These characters are decked out in cutting-edge techno gear and adorned with various eye-catching accessories. But that's not all ā€“ some of these Uneternal Punks proudly display your favorite cryptocurrencies!

šŸš€ What are NFTs, you ask? They're like digital collector's items, a way to own a piece of the internet. NFT stands for "Non-Fungible Token," and it's like having a digital certificate of ownership for something cool and unique on the web.

šŸŽ® GIFs are the format of choice for our Uneternal Punks in Motion collection. GIFs are those fun, animated images you often see on the internet. They may not be as fancy as high-resolution pictures, but they're perfect for adding a dash of life and movement to your digital art.

Metadata reveal after 10K mint.

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