
1.私鑰管理:我們應該擁有資產的私鑰控制權 2.分散風險:雞蛋不要放在同個籃子裡
3.透明化:資料應放在透明公開的區塊鏈網路 4.資產管理:託管機構不可挪用用戶資產從事其他風險投資 5.受獨立的第三方審計與監督 6.去中心化:資產管理權限應更加去中心化

Private key management: We should have control over the private keys that grant us access to our assets.
Diversifying risks: Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.
Transparency: Data should be stored on a transparent and open blockchain network.
Asset management: Custodial institutions should not use users’ assets for other risky investments.
Independent third-party audit and oversight.
Decentralization: Asset management authority should be more decentralized.

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