Unique 1/1 PFP genesis collection of murder-inclined cybernetic primates. Designed in Tokyo by Soulbomber.

The year is 2037, and man is beginning to populate Mars and Europa. Tanaka Robotics is leading the way.

Fusing A.I. with primates, they created a super workforce much stronger than we've ever had. Like, way better because they can swing and jump and shit. It's actually kind of ridiculous how much better at everything they are.

Anyway, 256 primates were selected for the Athena experiment, the newest A.I. that promised to supercharge their intelligence.
Except they tried to play god, and now the apes totally fucking broke free and started killing everyone. Great job, guys.

So yeah, now we live in fear of having our faces removed by super apes. It's not great. Also, they speak now, and they only say two words.


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