Rappears NFT Music DAO

Rappears NFT is a Music DAO that is geared towards providing passive income while holding the NFT. By doing so, you will have multiple ways from royalties on trades, bought music and signed artists! We are bridging the gap between NFTs and music in a way that will earn you money.

We created a 2,200 piece Ethereum NFT collection that is equally about music culture and building a profitable music catalog and DAO. We are setting out to create an entirely new wave of FOMO from BOTH music artists, fans and Wall Street. We give artists the freedom to take risks, be themselves and hopefully even change the game.

The community DAO will have voting rights from holders to where the money is used. It's the holders money, they should choose!

DAPP - https://dapp.rappeardao.com/#/

  • Items


  • Owners


  • Vol.

    0.1 Ξ

  • Floor

    N/A Ξ
