AI Monsters : Werewolves

Total supply : 777.
🐺 700 for Allow List (WL) and public sale (FREEMINT sat. September 10th).
🐺 77 reserved for pre-mint : promo collabs, airdrops & giveaways.

AI Monsters is a project dedicated to art and, more specifically, our favorite classic monsters brought to life through AI.
🎯 Our goal is to create a community of like-minded people, sharing their love of art and their passion for those mythical creatures.
🐺 Werewolves is our genesis collection and others will follow.
🛤️ Unlike most AI projects, we want to lay the foundations of a roadmap without overpromising.

🐺 Werewolves holders benefits :
🌕 WL for a free mint from our second collection, featuring another classic monster.
🌕 Raffles with airdrops & monetary prizes from % of secondary sales.
🌕 Exclusive acces to WL & airdrops from collab projects.

🚀 and more to come!

🤝 It's just the beginning... Monsters are stronger together !

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