
CyberModern is a new form of art! These are digital masterpieces created by artists and programmers using state-of-the-art artificial intelligence, which is ever evolving and perfecting itself by means of machine learning algorithms. This is the art that will be imprinted in the blockchain and will be accessible from anywhere in the world. The art which will always be at hand in worlds both real and virtual.The beauty of the formula or an equation is seen by few, whereas the art is open to many. Our ultimate goal is to translate the language of mathematics into the language of art, let the machine speak out, let the machine create. It is a revolutionary approach to the act of creating itself. Machine learning gives us a chance to perceive the world differently. Software strings turn into fanciful whimsy sceneries, formulae become phantasmagoric creatures that a human’s mind cannot even comprehend.

  • Items


  • Propriétaires


  • Vol.

    0.01 Ξ

  • Plancher

    N/A Ξ
