Brave Series Universe

The Gold Electroplated Ver. Demon King Figure will open on Jan. 09 and Jan. 13.

⚠️ Qualified buyers only: whitelisted people OR RNFT holders.
Jan. 08 21:00 (PST) WL mint
Jan. 12 21:00 (PST) RNFT holder mint
:demon: Price: 0.1 ETH
:demon: Quantity: 150 in total
:demon: Attributes revealing date: Jan. 19 21:00 (PST)
:demon: Redemption date: to be determined

Netflix's popular animation "Brave Series " launches RNFT on Fandora
RNFT buyers stand a chance to redeem one of 500 Brave figures #

The Brave Series RNFT is a redeemable NFT that can be redeemed for a physical Demon King Figure with unique attributes. Limited number of only 500 worldwide;

UR 1%. Mickey Huang Crossover Ver.
SSR 9% Bunny Ver.
SR 14% Electroplated Ver.
S. 6% Black & White Ver.
SR+ 150 pic limited

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