Chromesthesia: Ascend by Jaime Derringer

What is the relationship between color, sound, and movement? Artist Jaime Derringer continues to explore this question in her collection Chromesthesia: Ascend. In this body of work, Derringer investigates the phenomenon of experiencing colors in response to certain sounds or other stimuli.<br><br>Derringer begins with her personal archive of works, both those created on paper and digital paintings. Over the years, Derringer has repeatedly digitally manipulated and distorted these original images using a combination of computer software and AI. Each successive collection or group of works cannibalizes what came before it and is reborn in the wreckage.<br><br>For Chromesthesia: Ascend, she relinquished that control to a complex algorithm that mirrors the rhythm of her hands guiding the MIDI controller, destroying the works over and over again to form a type of abstract brutalist composition.

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    0 Ξ

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