Feudalz Landz

🔾Total Supply = 21111


🔾FORESTS = 6500

🔾ARID = 4500

🔾SNOWY = 2000


ORCZ - https://opensea.io/collection/feudalz-orcz

ELVEZ - https://opensea.io/collection/feudalz-elvez

ANIMALZ - https://opensea.io/collection/feudalz-animalz

Official site - https://feudalz.io/

Twitter - https://twitter.com/feudalznft

Discord - https://discord.gg/feudalz

Whitepaper - https://nft-whitepaper.gitbook.io/feudalz-whitepaper/

Feudalz emerged to protect their Peasantz. When the system runs smoothly, it leads to peace and prosperity for everyone - But they need to fight for this. When the Orcz Raids began, Feudalz stood up for their people, and Elvez came to help.

A collection of 4,444 Humanz Feudalz, which you can use to produce $GOLDZ. With this $GOLDZ, you can hire Elvez to defend your people, or send raids by hiring Orcz that will pillage other Feudalz for their $GOLDZ.

  • Items


  • PropriĂ©taires


  • Vol.

    126.54 Ξ

  • Plancher

    N/A Ξ
