Grumbies Genesis Battle

Grumbies Genesis Battle is an interactive NFT game to earn ETH! Grumbies start off with a small subset of traits that are upgradeable in a survivor pool with an ever-growing pool of winnings. Visit and read the docs to join us!
⚠️ Disclaimer: Any rarity displayed by OpenSea or any other platform is based on the frequency and distribution of traits. Once the game begins and Grumbies begin to get upgraded, rarities are subject to change based on dynamically changing traits. OpenSea rarity is largely irrelevant to the actual game.

Metadata and image may be out of date, always use our Token Lookup tool on the web app before purchasing and be sure to hit Refresh Metadata on OpenSea!

  • Items


  • Propriétaires


  • Vol.

    0 Ξ

  • Plancher

    N/A Ξ
