Momo & Yeti | The Ancients

Momo & Yeti’s metaverse is about to be born; actually, we’re being reborn. We’re a family of monsters and mythical creatures ready to smash the old legends and prove to the world that your past doesn’t dictate your future.

The first collection, The Ancients, are intelligent yet stubborn, unwilling to change their traditions. Their abilities and skillsets aren’t limited to one set, adding to their unpredictability and power. They are influential and revered within the community, but not without pushback.

The Ancients are part of our Season 1 Momo & Yeti prized NFT collection, to be released in 5 stages.

Momo & Yeti is a Planet Neo brand.

Welcome to The Edge of Reality. Let's play.

  • Items


  • Propriétaires


  • Vol.

    0 Ξ

  • Plancher

    N/A Ξ
