Rae Isla's Rocks



Hello dear friends, You may know me from my daily Rae's hang Twitter Spaces, or Intimate Piano Recordings—a series of 3 music NFT collections that sold out within 24-hours and charted #2 on OpenSea, or as the first musician on Glass Protocol, or a 50 second sellout on Sound.xyz, or maybe we even met IRL at one of the events I organized during NFT NYC or NFT Seattle. Whichever it was, I'm so happy you're here! Rae Isla's Rocks is a 1,000 Music NFT collection for music lovers, rock hounds, and web3 believers. It features 111 unique rocks from my real life collection, attached to 4 fully produced studio songs from my forthcoming album, and a combination of unique visual traits that come with their own significance and IRL activations.

  • Items


  • Propriétaires


  • Vol.

    0 Ξ

  • Plancher

    N/A Ξ
