Horizon Coms

In 2125, the world as we know it collapsed. Everything we had once been warned would happen, came to be; and humanity was sent into a tailspin. This allowed for Alfa Corps to exploit the planet without restraint, hoarding trillions in the process; and decimating life as we knew it. The greedy took over, communication was censored & human kind was left scattered throughout the globe. | In 2135, Horizon Coms was created. An underground Communication Faction; designed to fight the Corps hold over the world and once again; unite the people. This was done by using a Revelation Box or RevBox, as it is most commonly known. | The RevBox is a “Hyper-Connector”, which allows users to project any place they can think of; and create a limited-time portal to that location. | It is now time to unite those who remain, and take back what is ours! | CCO | ERC721a | 10K Start-Up Fund | Free Mint | 0% Royalties | 500 Team Reserve |

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