Presented by DFINITY Foundation & Toniq Labs

ICONOCLAST celebrates the heretics, the dissidents, and the firebrands pushing boundaries in art, culture, and technology.

In the modern understanding of the word, an iconoclast is one who challenges the status quo in the spirit of intellectual and artistic inquiry in the search for truth.

However, historically, the term iconoclast has had a more raw, visceral definition: one who believed in the importance of the physical destruction of religious and political iconography as a catalyst for change. It may seem extreme, but distilled down to its barest essence, the message is quite simple: to usher in the new, you must eradicate the old.

A slate wiped clean, a transfiguration, a rebirth.

An incandescent phoenix rising from the ashes burnt at the altar of the old gods.

Here’s to the artistic apostates living, breathing, and fighting for their truth, understanding that death precedes reincarnation. This is their moment.

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