The Immortals Series

Meet Charanjit Lal.

Day after day, he tends to his clay.
Day after day, he builds.

Generation after generation, his family has tended to the clay. He learned from his father, who learned from his father. Generation after generation, his family has built.

A sense of pride beams from Charanjit.
A sense of purpose beams from Charanjit.

His pots have replaced refrigerators in his local village, keeping the water cold for everyone in the hot summers.

Day after day, he builds. His pots are used in local ceremonies and newly married women put them on their head.
Day after day, he builds. His pots are used to grow the crops, which feed the village.

Day after day, he builds.

He builds to send his daughter to college, so she can build in her own way.

You may not know Charanjit Lal, but that doesn’t matter to him.

Every day he builds. Every day he tends to his clay.

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