Cap3 Collective Subscription Pass

The first 1,000 Subscriptions minted will participate in the first funded project.

Subscription Pass holders are the lifeblood of the Cap3 community. They collectively hold 7,000 of the 11,000 total DAO votes and have the ability to participate in exclusive royalty revenue share agreements with projects launched through Cap3.

During our initial mint, all Subscription Pass holders will be given a unique referral code that entitles them to 0.02 ETH for every Subscription Pass minted with that code. NOTE: A Subscription Pass sold on the secondary market will not retain its referral code ability; this feature will only work for the original owner/minting wallet.

Cap3 Collective is a platform that connects Web3 creators with funding opportunities. Anyone can submit a project proposal to Cap3 – the community of 7,500 token holders will vote to select proposals to receive funding. Proposals that are not selected by DAO members will be connected with Cap3’s network of venture capital firms.

  • アイテム


  • 所有者


  • 出来高

    0 Ξ

  • フロア

    該当なし Ξ
