
Banks and stocks, they're going down,
Crypto's up and then it's drowned.
But don't you fret, don't you frown,
We've got something that's a gem, a crown.

It's not a stock, it's not a bond,
It's not a coin that's going beyond.
It's Eggsplosion, the NFT craze,
A collection of eggs that'll amaze.

And don't you worry, don't you fear,
We're not saying it'll make you a millionaire.
But just like fine wine that ages with time,
These eggs will only get better, it's no crime.

And let's not forget, about the balls of steel,
Elon Musk's got them, they're the real deal.
But these eggs, they're something new,
They'll hatch into something great, it's true.

So don't miss out, don't be a fool,
Get your hands on these eggs, they're cool.
Just like the chicken and the egg debate,
These eggs are what you need, it's fate.

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  • VOL.

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