Gorilla Nemesis

Gorilla Nemesis is a collection of 5000 unique ERC-721 NFTs dropping on the Ethereum blockchain.

Each Gorilla is also your access card to the Bunker 2171 membership, with exclusive mid/long-term members-only benefits.

2nd of 6 collections by Bunker 2171

MutantKongz https://opensea.io/collection/mutantkongz
Gorilla Nemesis https://opensea.io/collection/gorillanemesis
Bunker Chronicles https://opensea.io/collection/bunkerchronicles
Bunker Beasts https://opensea.io/collection/bunkerbeasts
DraGONS https://opensea.io/collection/dragons2171
Alien Kimera Protocol https://opensea.io/collection/alienkimeraprotocol

  • 아이템


  • 호스트


  • VOL.

    0.03 Ξ

  • 바닥

    N/A Ξ
