Hana No Hata - Nostalgic NFTz Genesis

Hana No Hata means flowery flags in Japanese. This defines the artwork in this entire collection where flags of various countries have been represented in the beautiful form of a flower. For the first time ever, a person will be able to express his nationality via PFPs which are not regular flags.
The artwork itself is open to interpretation. This means that for one person, it may represent the flag of a certain country whereas for another, it may represent the flag of a different country. The flags may be represented by colors on the petals of the flower or the background or a combination of both. Nothing is restricted making this a very unique and beautiful collection. EACH NFT IS A 1/1

Hana No Hata is the genesis collection launched by Nostalgic NFTz. The plan is to go on a nostalgic journey with various artworks and what better way to start then to connect with the aspect which has been with us from the day we were born, our nationalities!

This is the spark before the fire!

  • 아이템


  • 호스트


  • VOL.

    0 Ξ

  • 바닥

    N/A Ξ
