MetaPunks Club

Please identify the unique minting site (anti-scam) :
MetaPunks Genesis is a projesisct conting of 10,000 NFTs, carefully crafted by outstanding professional designers and top crypto developers. We have united the most experienced early investors in the Metaverse project in the industry, and the MetaPunks team has perfectly solved the weaknesses of CryptoPunks high price and insufficient resources by upgrading and extending the new encryption art algorithm. All those who own MetaPunks NFT will become MetaPunksClub members and enjoy membership privileges , such as asset cross-chain derivation, holder mining, Metaverse land privileges, etc., When you buy MetaPunks NFTs, you not only own a digital collectible, but you also get access to cutting edge developments in the Metaverse industry. How many Metaverse will the world end up with? MetaPunks holders will directly benefit from our community and DAO organization, always on the cutting edge.

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