Non-Visible Art

The Non-Visible Art is a collection of 777 authentic pieces.

Each piece is different because every intellect may see something different on it.

Some may create their best piece of art while looking at one of the Non-Visible Art pieces.

Some may talk about how crazy it is that something like this can be so much valuable.

This art is too special to be owned by everyone. That's why we are listing it on the blockchain.

"Non-Visible" means something that can't be seen at the time, possibly due to ones line of sight. "Invisible" means, the object is not visible by nature. As this art is made for everyone to imagine, and it can be perceived differently, it is more accurate to call it "Non-Visible".

We hope, it will motivate and will inspire people to think more open-mindedly and to be even more creative even more.

Did you came up with some amazing idea, while looking at Non-Visible Art?

Make sure to share it and write about it! Tag us @NonVisibleNFT on Twitter!

Let's create history.

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  • VOL.

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