Official PixelvesNFT

Santa needs your help to get all of his helpers back to the north pole in time for the holiday season

In years past, the Pixelves of the north pole used to spend their days snoozing away, awakening at sunset, ready to prepare holiday celebrations for all the degenerate apes on the planet. But this year they’ve all been taken hostage by krampus!

The horned, half goat, half demon counterpart to Santa Claus is known for making his rounds every year on the night of December the 5th and punishing the children who misbehaved throughout the year prior.

This year Krampus has broken his century long truce with Santa Claus and has taken the Pixelves hostage in order to halt the production of toys, and to sabotage Christmas for children all over the world. Without the help of the Etherians, Christmas this year won't happen and Krampus will take control of the North pole for years to come.

Help free these elves and bring holiday joy and cheer to the metaverse by minting yours today!

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