ourData by Takens Theorem

An experimental, interactive project. Your mints, your actions on chain are collaborations with me. Our data determine the final piece.

Inaugural mint is here, to support Turkey-Syria earthquake disaster relief:


First mint open until evening, Feb. 14th NYC time.


Caveats: "ourData" is a new interactive project created by Takens Theorem. It involves creative visualization built on the ERC-1155 standard with manifold.xyz. Issuance on any token may be high, and like any project of this sort, there may be unforeseen errors and other issues that arise. Experimental, use at your own risk. Each token provided as-is and as-available without any and all warranty. By using this contract you accept sole responsibility for any and all transactions. These are important caveats, but I hope you like it.

  • 아이템


  • 호스트


  • VOL.

    0 Ξ

  • 바닥

    N/A Ξ
