Raregotchi - PETS

Raregotchi PETS are the citizens of the Rareverse! They are wacky creatures made of candy, human artifacts, and space goo.

The OG PETS are the first generation of Raregotchi NFT creatures. They are direct descendants of the Founder TOYS and have inherited the attributes of the three ancestral races: Snow Cone, School Kid, and Alien Baby.

To mint your OG PETS, you need to open a Sealed TOY. If all TOYS get opened, there will be a total of 9999 OG PETS in the Rareverse. However, no one knows if or when will that happen 👀

PETS are made of seven traits: Type, Body Color, Background Color, Head, Item, Eyes, and Mouth, the last four being body parts.

PETS come in five rarity levels: Rare, Ultra-Rare, Epic, Shiny, and Legendary. Each tier has its unique traits and characteristics.

Mint your PETS 👉 https://raregotchi.com/my-collection

Learn more about PETS 👉 https://rarepaper.raregotchi.com

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