
Real Rugs was created as a way to make art that not only exists on the blockchain but also transforms into a tactile, real-world statement piece. As our technology has developed greatly, and we have deepened into the online space, ancient art forms such as rug-making are starting to sink into the background. Real Rugs is a way for textile forms to remove their IRL handcuffs from this world and join the blockchain. Each piece is one of a kind, designed and meticulously handcrafted by a fiber artist with almost a decade of textile experience. They represent a different space of gratitude, some fragments being recognizable, others are just a feeling, a representation of some kind of energy. A way to be reminded of the beautiful things around us we’ve forgotten, a reminder to romanticize your life in the real world.

  • 아이템


  • 호스트


  • VOL.

    0 Ξ

  • 바닥

    N/A Ξ
