Mint Pass London Collection | Matt DesLauriers

The London Collection is a Bright Moments curated selection of six leading digital artists, minted IRL in the heart of London. Each artist has created an immersive, unique, and analog style of producing the outputs for their collection.

Holders of Mint Passes are entitled to a minted NFT from the artist's London Collection series, including the opportunity to visit 13 Soho Square during the month of July to mint IRL. Minting in-person will allow you to meet the artist, have a unique memory associated with the mint, and co-create the works. Mint Pass holders will also be able to mint remotely or through a delegate if they are not able to visit London during the minting window.

About the artist: ​​Matt DesLauriers is a coder and generative artist based in London. He uses algorithms to create art for print, web, & installations.

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