Rekt Rats

At the watershed of human history, as the fourth industrial revolution began its seismic transformation of society, the world found itself steeped in an existentialist fog. This was an epoch marked by the relentless encroachment of mechanization into every aspect of human life, raising profound questions about the essential nature of humanity, our place in the cosmos, and the potential soul within the machine. The literary and artistic expressions of this period, therefore, sought to grapple with the ensuing disquiet that threatened to engulf the collective human consciousness.

Against this socio-cultural backdrop, in mid-2023, an anonymous artist emerged from the ashes of modernity with an artistic endeavor that spoke volumes about this societal tension. This revolutionary artist, who chose to remain nameless, evoked the universal struggle of the human condition through an unlikely medium: a series of 2200 pixelated rats, "Rekt Rats."

Rats, an embodiment of the modern existential co

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