Space-Time Weaving Series by Che-Yu Wu

“Space-Time Weaving Series”

In the void, particles endlessly wander between existence and annihilation. As we come to understand through the principle of mass-energy equivalence that extreme energy can give birth to matter, one can't help but wonder if emotions and the energy of life, when intense enough, could enable our fantasies and thoughts to influence reality and weave a colorful tapestry of dreams.

The “Space-Time Weaving Series" explores how intense emotions act as a creative force field, shaping the myriad paths of destiny. Particles arise based on their intrinsic rules and behaviors, and are shaped, guided, and influenced by the artist's emotions at the time of creation. Ultimately, particles leave trails between the influence of emotions and the uncertainties of quantum probabilities in physical laws, forming a canvas that emanates the beauty of mathematics and physics, finding harmony in rules and chaos.

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