Lil Glyphs

Lil' Glyphs are fully on-chain little Pixelglyphs. The Lil' Glyphs code allows for dynamic image and metadata creation directly within the NFT smart contract. If you have a Pixelglyph you can mint from

Original Pixelglyphs are created using a 5x10 pixel matrix of 0's and 1's. The matrix is passed to a script which then renders the image in your browser. Lil' Glyphs puts this pixel matrix on-chain in an efficient way. The pixel matrix can be recreated at anytime directly from the smart contract. Lil' Glyphs packs each item of the pixel matrix into the first 50 bits of an unsigned 256 bit integer within the NFT smart contract. The result is a unique number which acts as the Lil' Glyph token ID. From this number the original pixel matrix can be re-created by looping through the first 50 bits.

On non-white backgrounds Lil' Glyphs are half transparent. This represents the on and off states (0's and 1's) that create each one.

  • 物品


  • 持有者


  • 成交量

    0 Ξ

  • 地板價

    N/A Ξ
