SZNS by JakNFT x Kotegawa

SZNS is a collection of 888 unique artworks. Each piece was created one at a time using an analogue process that combines hand drawn illustrations, pixelation, glitch, sound & code.

Inspired by traditional Japanese suibokuga paintings, ukiyo-e prints, and Chinese shanshui hua paintings, SZNS blends elements of these traditional Eastern art forms with cutting-edge digital techniques.

SZNS was meticulously curated, with only 888 out of over 8,000 original pieces selected for the final collection.

SZNS features 11 "SZNS of the mind," 45 character types, 150 kinds of sound, and 300+ landscapes. Additionally, several true one-of-one pieces featuring characters that only appear once are included in the collection.

  • 物品


  • 持有者


  • 成交量

    0 Ξ

  • 地板價

    N/A Ξ
