The Linked Tree Of The Logged Universe

A Linked Tree Of The Logged Universe:
An experiment in collaborative creative storytelling in The Logged Universe from Untitled Frontier.
Each story node is an NFT, and each story node MUST point to a previous story.
To continue telling the story, merely point to a previous story node and mint your addition.
Words are compiled into an NFT image from on-chain SVG. Max 512 bytes per story node. Only interface is on EtherScan.
Test Story Here:
If it doesn't revert, mint on EtherScan:
NOTE: This is experimental and not audited! The SVG CAN break. Under some characters, it will not render (there's an off-by-one error). It also needs some spaces. Basically, don't submit weird formatted text and you'll be fine.
It costs a ~ 450k of gas to store 512 bytes, so it can be expensive. Play with accordingly.

  • 物品


  • 持有者


  • 成交量

    0 Ξ

  • 地板價

    N/A Ξ
